Once all of the “pre-production” is completed, now you are ready to the next stage.  The production stage, also known as principal photography, is when shooting begins. During this short timeframe, additional crew will be hired—like a script supervisor to check for script continuity while filming, and a property master to acquire and oversee any of your film’s props. The hair, makeup, and costume departments will handle the actors’ visual appearance, and actors will rehearse their lines and block scenes. Your production coordinator will supervise the day-to-day and make sure all supplemental departments like catering, billing, and scheduling have the necessary resources to stay on track. Camera operators and grips will follow the shooting plan set by the director and cinematographer, capturing all the necessary footage. Picture and sound editors are also hired during this time, choosing the best takes of the day and assembling them into a sequence so that a rough cut is ready by the time filming ends. Don’t worry about filming in sequence.  You might have to work around people’s schedules, so shoot out of order if necessary.  This can be fixed in editing.  Remember to be careful not to “cut” the scene prematurely.  Some of the best films were created during the “unscripted” moments. Also, don’t forget to take close-ups and different angles of the same scene to have plenty of footage to use when editing.